BlockSensoMap Services


BlockSensoMap is an innovative service introduced by TrustSense, based on FidesInnova technology, that aims to revolutionize urban environmental management through advanced Mesh IoT networks, ZKP, and blockchain technologies. By deploying a network of high-precision multi-sensors across British Columbia, BlockSensoMap will collect crucial environmental data, including temperature, humidity, noise levels, and air quality. This data will be processed, analyzed, and made accessible to both the government and citizens, fostering informed decision-making and enhancing the quality of life.

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Applications of Environmental Data:

  • Temperature and Humidity Sensors: TrustSense's advanced temperature and humidity sensors accurately monitor environmental conditions in real-time. By collecting precise data, these sensors help improve various aspects of daily life.
  • Noise Sensors in Apartments and Buildings: TrustSense's noise sensors are designed to be installed in apartments and buildings to monitor and manage noise levels. By providing real-time data, these sensors help mitigate conflicts between neighbors by identifying noise disturbances.
  • Wildfire Management Sensors: TrustSense's sensors are strategically placed in forests and high-risk areas to monitor environmental conditions and detect early signs of wildfires. These sensors collect data on temperature, humidity, and other factors, providing real-time alerts to authorities.
  • UV Sensors for Beach Safety: TrustSense's UV sensors are installed in popular beach areas to monitor UV radiation levels. These sensors provide real-time data, helping people choose spots with lower UV exposure for safer outdoor activities.

Technologies Used:

  • Blockchain: Ensures data security, transparency, and integrity, particularly in sectors like Smart Home & Smart City, where it aids in predictive maintenance and securing data.
  • Multi-Sensors: Collect real-time environmental data. In Smart Home & Smart City sectors, these sensors are critical for environmental sensing, monitoring, and automation.
  • Data Analytics: Advanced analytical tools are employed for interpreting data and generating insights, crucial for optimizing smart home and city management.
  • IoT: Facilitates seamless data collection and transmission across Smart Home & Smart City environments, ensuring operational efficiency and security.
  • Web3: Supports decentralized and transparent data dissemination, particularly in ensuring secure data sharing and integration with other smart devices.

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  • Data Collection: Install FidesInnova multi-sensors across Vancouver to gather real-time environmental data.
  • Data Integrity: Ensure data security and transparency using blockchain technology.
  • Data Analysis: Employ advanced algorithms to analyze collected data.
  • Public Awareness: Provide insights and data to the government and citizens through accessible platforms.
  • Urban Management: Utilize data for improved urban planning, crisis management, and sustainability efforts.
  • Sustainability: Contribute to the development of a sustainable urban environment by identifying key areas for improvement and recommending actionable steps.